
What is great cheese?

As a person who brings home a paycheck by selling cheese, I get this question often. And every now and then I will come across some insufferable pompousness such as "Ten Cheeses to Eat Before You Die" or "The Worlds 5 Greatest Cheeses". Save me please....Bottom line is this, what do you like? What really flips your switch cheese wise? Ask a few kindergardeners, although you may get a heated debate between Kraft Singles, string cheese and mac n' cheese--hey, they love it, have enough conviction to stand by it and to them that is great cheese.
You probably know what is good cheese by your own standards and my job is to get you to expand from there. Like brie? Great, there are many roads I can take you down. Blues your thing? Me too...try a little of this. A hardcore cheddar fan? I can handle that.
The bottom line of this whole little blogging enterprise here is to get you to try different things, as the real experts say "expand your pallet'-but the one thing I don't want to do is overload you with pretension and scare you off. So, bottom line, if you will, allow me to guide you to some cheeses. Let me know what you think. Some will be good, some will be great and some will be less than stellar (and there are a few I consider downright nasty).
And by the way, I can appreciate a fabulous grilled cheese, and true to my 7 yr old self, it must be made as follows: 2 slices Kraft Singles, 2 slices Wonder Bread (Substitutions are NOT allowed), a little mayo on the inside, grilled in butter to where the edges are brown but the center is golden. If you would have told me back then that that wasn't the greatest cheese in the world, I would have had to kick some playground butt.

Keep it Cheesy till next time

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